A Masterclass with Brahmagupta, Indian Mathematician & Astronomer
I was recently asked the theoretical question: if I could take a master class with an expert in mathematics, living or deceased, who would I pick and what I would ask them? After pondering this question for a few days, I came up with a resolute, researched response.
As an emerging scientist awed by the simplistic principles presented by algebra, geometry, andcalculus, I would choose to take a masterclass with Brahmagupta, the Indian mathematician andastronomer. As a pioneer during 590 AD — 668 AD, Brahmagupta wrote various texts that laid the basic groundwork for any type of advanced mathematics and astronomy. Not only did he explore the definition “0” as a concrete number andprovide operations to apply it, but he expanded his work to more advanced arithmetic such as geometry, algebra, & astronomy.
Having explored algebra and geometry early on as a young child, this was my first real exposure to math. While I was easily provided with the luxurious opportunity of being able to define mathematical principles further into advanced calculus, linear algebra, number theory, and differential equations, Brahmagupta primarily was only familiar with algebra and geometry. One pertinent question that immediately comes to mind is what he would consider the next steps in mathematics, after his time? How would he envision mathematics progressing, and how could this culminate with his specialized disciplines of astronomy and physics?
Another fascinating question, I would ask Brahmagupta would be how he visualized mathematical principles & relationships when no image generators, computers, or drawing tools were easily attainable? Drawing out concepts & formulating mind maps has served as an essential component of grasping the fundamentals of math for me. Considering he had minimal resources as compared to now, learning his thought process & theoretical steps to achieving satisfying conclusions would be very eye-opening.
Another series of questions I would request Brahmagupta to answer would be that if “0” was presumably the beginning or origin of some concrete substance, where would the end lie? Till what value or point are able to count to & how would that be classified? Considering he had spent a considerate amount of time ruminating behind the properties of “0,” I believe Brahmagupta would have a perspective on this question. Gaining his understanding would shine a light on a new viewpoint.
The last questions I would ask Brahamgupta would relate to the mathematical patterns, dilemmas, & tools he noticed that aided him in reaching his conclusions. I would like to understand not only how he reached his conclusions theoretically but also how he perceived this understanding would further the field of mathematics & be applied. By understanding his outlook on the applications, aesthetics, & apparatuses used for mathematics, I will be able to better perceive the subject & its greater implications.